Friday February 9, 2018


Slowness with link previews, search, message sending, and the Events API

Things are looking brighter once again! You should no longer be facing delays with link previews, search, the Events API, and message threads. Sorry for the trouble. We hope the rest of your day goes smoothly!

2:11 PM PST

We're sorry to say that we're currently seeing some delays with link previews, search, message sending, as well as receiving events from the Events API. We are looking into this now in hopes of solving the problem quickly. Thanks for bearing with us!

1:44 PM PST

Services affected


Link Previews






Please refresh Slack if you're seeing issues with Do Not Disturb

Everything should now be back to normal with Do Not Disturb for all workspaces. We're really sorry for the disruption this caused. If you are seeing any further issues with Do Not Disturb, please <a href="">let us know</a>. Thank you.

10:33 AM PST

Thanks for your patience while we continue working to fix the problem with Do Not Disturb. If you are currently having trouble disabling Do Not Disturb, please try reloading Slack with Cmd+R on Mac, or Ctrl+R on Windows and Linux. We are doing our best to resolve this as quickly as possible so that you can get back to your day.

9:17 AM PST

New reports are starting to come in as America wakes up. Good morning, America! To reiterate, if you're seeing trouble coming out of Do Not Disturb this morning, please try refreshing Slack (with Cmd R for Mac, or Ctrl R for Windows and Linux). If that doesn't help, you can try disabling end re-enabling Do Not Disturb. We're so sorry for the hassle.

5:55 AM PST

We're seeing new reports fall away. If you do run into this, feel free to try the advice below, or just <a href="">get in touch</a> if you see trouble.

2:26 AM PST

Howdy! Sorry if you're seeing issues coming out of scheduled Do Not Disturb as you arrive at work for your working day. There was an issue on our side causing this. A fix is already in place, but you may need to refresh Slack (with Cmd R for Mac, or Ctrl R for Windows and Linux) for it to take effect. If that doesn't help, disabling and re-enabling Do Not Disturb should do the trick.

We're really sorry for the trouble. As always, please do just <a href="">let us know</a> if there's anything we can do to help.

1:41 AM PST

