Monday November 19, 2018


Connectivity troubles

Technical Summary:

On November 19, 2018 between 05:12 am PT and 06:00 am PT, a small percentage of our users were unable to connect to Slack.

The connection issue was caused when a single Point of Presence (POP) failed to respond to requests to Requests going through that specific POP were either delayed or timed out, which resulted in our users being unable to connect to their workspace, or experiencing slowness in Slack. We worked with our cloud provider to remove this POP from our distribution, and resolved the issue at 06:08 am.

7:15 PM PST

We've got good news: everyone should now be able to connect again! Please reload Slack using Ctrl or Cmd + R to reconnect to your workspace, and let us know at if you're still seeing issues after that.

6:08 AM PST

We are getting reports that folks cannot connect to Slack and that some of our services are slow. We are investigating these issues as we speak, and we thank you for your patience.

5:12 AM PST

Services affected


