Wednesday December 12, 2018


Issues with image previews

We have resolved the image preview problem and deployed a fix. Please refresh Slack with Cmd/Ctrl + R to fetch the update. If you have any further hassles, please let us know at Apologies again for the disruption.

8:51 PM PST

We're still digging into the image preview issue and chasing down some leads. Thank you for bearing with us.

8:42 PM PST

We are investigating some issues with image previews in Slack. We're very sorry for the trouble. We're on the case.

8:12 PM PST

Services affected





Users are unable to delete custom emojis

We're happy to report that we’ve resolved the issue, so people should be able to delete custom emojis again! Thanks for sticking with us.

2:55 PM PST

We're almost out of the woods. Thanks for sticking with us!

2:27 PM PST

The ability to delete custom emojis has been interrupted. We hope to have the issue resolved as soon as possible.

1:57 PM PST

Some users are unable to delete custom emojis.

1:27 PM PST

Services affected


