Wednesday January 9, 2019

Some Android users are not receiving notifications

Technical Summary: On January 7th, 2019 PT the execution of a weekly cleanup job errantly caused some Android users to be unable to receive notifications to their mobile devices. We manually reverted the errant changes made by the cleanup job, and by January 15th at 3:32pm Pacific Time all notification functionality was restored.
Jan 17, 4:49 AM UTC
Folks should now be receiving push notifications on Android. If you're still not receiving push notifications, please drop us a line at Thanks for your patience!
Jan 16, 12:11 AM UTC
We’re still investigating notification issues on Android; however, we’ve received reports from folks who have had success with the steps below. 1. Open your phone’s recently active app list, dismiss the Slack app from the list, and relaunch the app. 2. Navigate into the app’s Settings > Notification Settings section and tap Troubleshoot notifications. 3. If you don’t see a test notification appear at the end of the test, please back out into the app’s main Settings page, scroll down, and tap Advanced > Reset Cache. Please reach out to if you’re still having trouble receiving notifications.
Jan 9, 10:44 PM UTC
We’re still working to fix the push notification problems that have been impacting Android users. We hope to have the issue fully resolved as soon as possible.
Jan 9, 9:30 PM UTC
Our engineers are still investigating the cause of issues affecting Android push notifications. We're sorry for any disruption this has caused to your day.
Jan 9, 9:00 PM UTC
We have no new information to share just yet, but we're continuing our efforts to resolve push notifications issues on Android devices. We truly appreciate your patience.
Jan 9, 8:30 PM UTC
We're investigating an issue where some folks may not be receiving push notifications on Android devices. We're very sorry for the disruption, and hope to have things sorted out soon.
Jan 9, 5:22 PM UTC
Features affected