Monday December 9, 2019


Single Channel Guests channel cannot be edited

incident done

Workspace Owners and Admins should now be able to successfully change the designated channel for a Single Channel Guest after a refresh of workspace administration page. We're sorry for any trouble, and appreciate your patience while we got this sorted.

Dec 9, 4:55 PM UTC

We're looking into an issue with workspace Owners and Admin not being able to complete a change to an existing Single Channel Guest's channel. We'll keep you in the loop as we continue to investigate this further.

Dec 9, 2:58 PM UTC

Features affected

Workspace/Org Administration




Server errors and some messages failing to send

incident done

We have fully resolved this issue and everyone should be able to access their workspaces and send messages as normal. If you have any further trouble, please reach out to us at Apologies for the disruption. We appreciate you bearing with us.

Dec 10, 2:08 AM UTC

We are seeing improvements and we're working towards a full restoration. Thank you for holding tight.

Dec 10, 1:52 AM UTC

Our investigation now indicates that this may be affecting customers on desktop, browser, and mobile. We are still digging in to the cause of the problem — we'll be back with an update in 30 minutes.

Dec 10, 1:21 AM UTC

Some customers may be experiencing server errors or messages failing to send. We're very sorry for the trouble and we're working to get things back to normal.

Dec 10, 12:49 AM UTC

Some people may be having an issue with Slack. We’re currently investigating and will have more information shortly. Thank you for your patience.

Dec 10, 12:34 AM UTC

Features affected






Issues accepting and approving shared channel invites

incident done

Customers affected by this shared channels invitation issue should no longer be having trouble. We’ve rolled out a fix and have confirmed Slack is back to normal. Thank you for your patience while we sorted this out.

Dec 10, 9:29 PM UTC

Some customers may be experiencing problems with accepting or approving shared channel invitations. We are investigating and will be back with an update as soon as we have news to share. We're very sorry for the trouble.

Dec 10, 2:59 AM UTC

Features affected

Workspace/Org Administration




Issues configuring SAML SSO for some customers

incident done

Issue Summary: Beginning on December 5, 2019 at 11:45 a.m. PST, some Enterprise Grid Org Owners began having trouble configuring SAML SSO. A feature we recently implemented caused configuration requests to be registered as coming from unauthenticated users, even though these users were correctly authenticated. After deactivating this feature, full functionality was restored and the issue was resolved by December 10, 2019 at 12:57 p.m. PST.

Dec 11, 7:19 AM UTC

We’ve rolled out a fix and use of SAML SSO is back to normal. Please note that in order to see this fix, affected customers will need to log out and try logging in again from the beginning. Thank you for your patience while we sorted out this issue.

Dec 10, 9:18 PM UTC

Some customers may be experiencing issues configuring SAML SSO. We are investigating and we're very sorry for the disruption.

Dec 10, 5:47 AM UTC

Features affected





Some customers are seeing an error when sending messages

incident done

Issue Summary: On December 9 at 1:00 p.m. PST, we made a code change for a feature that lead to errors occurring for some customers when sending messages. We detected the the cause of the issue and started working on a fix at 11:17 p.m. PST. By December 10 12:02 a.m. PST, the fix was fully deployed to address the errors and full functionality was restored for affected customers.

Dec 11, 7:08 AM UTC

For those who were affected by the ‘9DCE38C9695E’ error message, we’re happy to report we’ve fixed this and messages can be sent once again. If the error persists, performing a hard refresh of the app with Cmd/Ctrl+Shift+R should get things in order. We’re sorry for the interruption to your day and if you continue to experience any issues, please reach out to us at

Dec 10, 9:01 AM UTC

Some of our customers are seeing an 'Error: 9DCE38C9695E' message after attempting to send a message in Slack. We're currently looking into why this is happening and we'll update this page as soon as we have more information. We're sorry for keeping you away from your work.

Dec 10, 7:31 AM UTC

Features affected


