Thursday May 6, 2021


Some users encountering errors when using the Giphy integration

Issue summary:
On May 6, 2021 around 11:06 a.m. to 12:20 p.m. PDT, some users encountered errors when using the Giphy integration in Slack.

We investigated and determined the issue was upstream, so we moved to monitoring the situation until the problem was resolved.

Note: We've updated the title, as affected users could've encountered more than one error message (not just "could not match [search term]").

7:04 PM PST

We've confirmed the issue using the Giphy integration in Slack has now been resolved.

If you're still encountering trouble using Giphy in Slack, please let us know at

1:56 PM PST

We're aware of an issue with the Giphy integration within Slack, where users may be seeing error messages, such as "could not match [search term]" when looking for GIFs.
We’re looking into the situation, and will share back updates as soon as we have them.

Note: We've updated this message to clarify one of the error messages was "could not match [search term]" when using the integration, so the expected results might've not appeared.

12:26 PM PST

Services affected


