Thursday April 28, 2022


Issue with workflows

Issue summary:
From April 28, 2022 at 10:52 PDT to 12:18 PDT, some customers may have experienced issues when running workflows, and using Workflow Builder.

We traced the issue to an automatic change we'd implemented. We reverted this manually, resolving the issue for all affected customers.

8:12 PM PST

Customers should no longer be experiencing any trouble using workflows. We appreciate your patience while we sorted this one out.

1:35 PM PST

We’ve identified the root cause of this issue with workflows and users should be seeing signs of recovery. We’re working on getting a fix out as soon as possible — we’ll be back once we have another update to share.

12:07 PM PST

We’re looking into an issue impacting workflows and we’ll let you know as we learn more. Thank you for bearing with us in the meantime.

11:28 AM PST

Services affected


