Monday May 2, 2022


Some users are unable to access channels through channel name links

Issue summary:
On May 2, 2022 from about 2:00PM to 4:11PM PDT, some customers may have been unable to open channels by clicking channel names in messages.

We traced the issue to a code change that inadvertently prevented navigation after clicking a channel name. We reverted the code change, and channel links are now functioning as normal. If you're still experiencing issues, please reload Slack with Cmd/Ctrl + Shift + R.

11:02 PM PST

The issue accessing channels through channel name links should now be resolved. To see the fix, please refresh the desktop app by pressing Command/Control + Shift + R.

Alternatively, the app would automatically refresh in approximately the next 3 hours. We apologize for the inconvenience.

4:11 PM PST

Some users on the desktop app may experience issues accessing channels from threads or posts by clicking on the channel name link. This happens to users who've done a hard refresh in the app after around 12:53 PM PDT. We recommend users to avoid doing a hard refresh in the meantime.

As a workaround, users can access the channel from the sidebar, channel browser or quick switcher.

Our team is actively working on a fix. Thank you for your patience while we solve the issue.

3:41 PM PST

Services affected


